The film industry can be notoriously difficult to start working in - whether you want to create your own short films, work on a professional film set or learn your craft as an editor, read these 10 tips on how to get into the film industry.
Filmmaker Matt Taylor gives us his top ten tips to get you on your way, showing us that there isn’t just one path to get you working in film, there are several options out there for you – so get your camera ready and let’s get rolling...
- Make stuff. You will learn so much from making your own projects, however simple.
- Screen your films to a live audience. There’s nothing like seeing the reaction to your work live, and it will improve your films especially the edit.
- Build your own team. Film is a very collaborative process so get a group of like-minded friends together so that you can make more films faster.
- Work on other people’s films. Even if it’s as a runner, you will learn more and more importantly make connections.
- Meet other filmmakers. The film industry is all about connections so try to get out there to film festivals, screening events, Film Courses and join a film group.
- Filmmaking is not just about directors, cameras, and lights. There are a lot of other on-set jobs in the industry that could be easier to get into at the start. Films productions need drivers, caterers, painters, carpenters, accountants etc. especially runners.
- Learn your trade. If you know what part of filmmaking you want to pursue go for it. Read every book, watch every YouTube tutorial, take Classes, and more importantly start doing it on your films and other people’s projects.
- Post Production needs you. London is at the heart of the post-production industry at the moment. If you are into this side of filmmaking all the software is out there for you to learn and show off your potential.
- Get your films seen. The internet is a great place to put your short films and build an audience. Whatever job you go for in the industry having finished work online shows your commitment as well as your skill.
- Make contacts and make an impression. Your reputation is everything in the industry; so many jobs are through word of mouth. Build yourself a good reputation and you will be the one they recommend for the next job.
Matt teaches Filmmaking at City Academy - having worked in the Film industry for over 14 years, he has worked on a range of projects from feature films to commercial videos, as well as running Filmmaking sessions for the BBC and ITV.
Find out more about Matt’s Filmmaking for Beginners course here.
City Academy offer a range of Film Courses in London: