Marso is the founder of Company Decalage, GalleryMarso and “KRE8!Lab”. He produces eclectic and interdisciplinary works rooted in Hip Hop culture. His track record as a performer, producer, workshop leader, mentor, award-winning choreographer and photographer is rich with amazing collaborations and achievements.
In the last 20 years, he has established himself as a major force in both contemporary dance, and Breakin’ (Breakdance) worlds. He has created numerous touring works for Company Decalage and has independently been commissioned by Carlos Acosta for Acosta Danza, Sharleen Spiteri (Texas), Sampad, The Royal Academy of Dance, Birmingham Hippodrome, People Dancing, London Studio Centre, Birmingham International
Dance Festival, The Place Prize, Breakin Convention, The Cultural Olympiad, The Aurora Orchestra, King’s Cross NC1, Danza Contemporenea De Cuba, The British Council and Hong Kong APA.
“Based on an experimental and physiological approach to flow and travel, his movement signature style often evolves and is inspired by Martial arts, Breakin, Popping, Contemporary Release, Spirals, Yoga and various movement concepts.”
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