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Richard Winsor

Richard Winsor

Richard trained at Central School of Ballet and before that was a JA at Royal Ballet White Lodge.

He then went on to become Sir Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures company’s Principal performer, creating roles such as Dorian in Dorian Gray, Anthony in Play Without Words, Edward in Edward Scissorhands and George Harvey Bone in the award winning The Midnight Bell. He has also stared in New Adventures revivals such as Swan Lake where he played the lead role of The Swan/Stranger, which was also filmed for cinema release, with Richard as the lead. He also most recently played the lead role of Luca (The Car Man) in The Car Man at The Royal Albert Hall this past summer.

Richard has performed internationally in city’s such as Los Angeles, New York, Washington, San Fran, Philly, Tokyo, Moscow, St Petersburg(Chekhov Festival) and across Europe including his main home of London where he has been critically acclaimed & nominated for a number of awards for his performances at Sadlers Wells Theatre.

Richard has also starred in film and TV as Tomas in the globally successful British movie StreetDance 3D(2011), as Farther Francis in C4’S Hollyoaks(2012), The Swan/Stranger in the movie Swan Lake 3D(2012) and most recently played Dr Caleb Knight in the hit BBC medical drama Casualty 2014-2018. He also has played The Monster in Frankenstein at the Royal Play House London and he took on the challenge of playing James Bond for the Quantum of

Solace video game PS3 and recently he played the iconic role of Tony Manero in BKL’s recent stage version of Saturday Night Fever.

Classes Starting Soon With This Tutor

Screen Acting – Level 1 20 Mar - 17 Apr Thu 18:30-21:30 5 weeks Richard Winsor Bleeding Heart Studios £350.00